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Bugrova, M. L.
Cytology, human embryology and general histology : Practical course for the students of the specialty ”General medicine” / M. L. Bugrova, N. V. Blagova, L. B. Timofeeva ; FSBEI HE PRMU MOH Russia. – N. Novgorod : Publishing House of Privolzhskiy Research Medical University, 2022. – 1 файл (42.5 Мб). – ISBN 978-5-7032-1451-0. – Текст : электронный.
Авторы: Bugrova Marina Leonidovna, Blagova Natalia Veniaminovna, Timofeeva Lidiya Borisovna
Шифры: 611 - B 92
Ключевые слова: Гистология, Embryology, Эмбриология, Цитология, Cell Biology, For foreign students, Для иностранных студентов
Основная рубрика: Histology
Аннотация: This manual is designed as a practical course including some parts of the discipline “Histology, emyology, cytology” (Histological technique, Cytology, Human emyology and General histology) and belongs to the category of teaching aids for the work of first and second-year students of the Faculty of International Medical Education of educational institutions of higher education. In accordance with the competence-based approach in teaching, the manual is intended to standardize the recording of the practical work ofstudents in the study of histopreparations, including sketches and designations of characteristic structures. The manual is also intended for self-training for control classes and a course exam in accordance with the modern academic plan. The authors are grateful to E. A. Zakharova, teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages of the FSBEI HE PRMU MOH Russia, tutor of the English Centre, for translation edited.
Экземпляры: Всего: 1, из них: ЭБС-1
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